Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Toe - For Long Tomorrow

These guys are japanese! who would have thought... This band is primarily instrumental but this album has more strange singing on it than usual. They aren't boring! This is the new album.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Glorytellers - Atone

Geoff Farina can't write a bad song. Actually he probably can but he didn't on this record. Glorytellers formed after his band Karate decided to call it quits due to hearing loss or something dumb like that. Anyways, this is the latest album.

Afghan Whigs - Gentlemen

This band sounds like everything else that is played at the record store i go to. Its always bands from like 20 years ago that no one has ever heard of. Its never really even that good. I don't even think the guy working at the record store really enjoys it as much as he wants to. However, the song "when we two parted" started playing and i recognized it from New Amsterdam's first album. Apparently The New Amsterdam's version is a cover. Anyways, this album makes for a good listen.